Traffic Jamming June

This month was jammed with transportation activity in our MPO.

  • The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) met on June 1st to discuss the 2016 Draft UPWP and 2016-2019 Draft TIP, both plans and CAC meeting information can be found on our homepage.
  • Alabama DOT held their public meeting and many spirited citizens from our MPO were in attendance to discuss the State Transportation Improvement Plan on Monday, June 8th. MPO staff took a road trip to Guntersville for the big meeting and took note of public comments about projects listed in our local plans.
  • The Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) met and approved the 2016 Draft UPWP and 2016-2019 Draft TIP on June 10th. Read all about it here.
  • The BIG Picture Huntsville posted the Transportation section of their online comprehensive plan on June 16th. The MPO staff packed this section with lots of useful information, check it out!
  • This week, we round off the month with a visit from internationally renowned Urban Development expert Victor Dover, author of Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns . He jazzed us all up for some multi-modal solutions to the problem of road capacity. Plus, we want to stop letting the data from future congestion software do our designing for us. The MPO staff imagine a future of transportation choice!


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