The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) has posted a new 2017 Draft Bike and Pedestrian Plan for the state. This plan will update and replace the 2010 ALDOT Bike and Pedestrian plan. The new plan will establish a vision for…

The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) has posted a new 2017 Draft Bike and Pedestrian Plan for the state. This plan will update and replace the 2010 ALDOT Bike and Pedestrian plan. The new plan will establish a vision for…
Activities to develop the Alabama 2040 Statewide Transportation Plan (SWTP) have been steadily progressing over the past several months. The consultant team recently finished Interim Report #2, which provides a macro-level look at statewide transportation needs, planned projects, and funding…
Mark Your Calendars! Meetings of the MPO, TCC, and CAC are now scheduled in advance. As a result of a discussion with FHWA and FTA at the TMA Federal Review in February, the MPO Board and MPO staff have agreed…
Urban areas with greater than 200,000 population are designated Transportation Management Areas (TMA) by the US Department of Transportation. After the 2000 Census, the Huntsville urban area surpassed the population threshold for TMA designation. As a TMA, every four years…
The Huntsville-Area MPO’s Congestion Management Plan (CMP) used to be a stand-alone document. In 2015, it was added to the Year 2040 Transportation Plan as an appendix. Earlier this year, a citizen asked where to find the CMP on the…
The Alabama Department of Transportation and The City of Madison will conduct a Public Corridor Hearing for these projects: Proposed Interchange on I-565 near Zierdt Road, Hughes Road Extension and I-565 Auxiliary Lanes City of Madison / Madison County. Meeting…
Please review and comment on this plan. Because this is your plan. It even has “public” in the title. That’s how you know it’s yours. No hurry, you’ve got 45 days. Yes, that’s a federally required 45 days of public…
Your opportunity to comment on ALDOT’s Statewide Transportation Plan should not be missed. Your comments matter. ALDOT sets the tone for transportation planning throughout the state. What projects will be the focus of state funding efforts? Will ALDOT surprise us like…
Want to learn more about the widening of Cecil Ashburn Drive from Donegal Drive to Taylor Road? Then come to this public meeting: Tuesday, September 13th, from 6pm to 8pm Hampton Cove Elementary School, cafeteria 261-A Old Highway 431 Hampton…
Big news in public transit! Three bits of good news about Huntsville’s Public Transit system. 1. Did you know the Huntsville shuttle bus system doubled its ridership? This increase in ridership was due to a zero cost route restructuring in…