Regional Commuter Study

The Huntsville-Area MPO has partnered with Metro Analytics to create a Regional Commuter Study. This study will also include the Congestion Management Process update for the Year 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan. The goal of this study is to develop an accurate representation of commuting flows into and within the MPO Study Area.

Census workforce migration data, such as Journey to Work and LEHD, do not include federal employees– which make up approximately 20 percent of the MPO Study Area workforce. American Community Survey commuter flow data does include Federal employees, but the data is county-level only and updated infrequently. The Commuter Study will fill this commuting flow data gap in the MPO’s existing Congestion Management Process and give the MPO a more complete picture of regional travel patterns. The timing of the report also allowed the consultants to study the impacts of COVID-19 on the regional transportation system.

The MPO has also requested from the consultants a list of park-and-rides that can be utilized by transit and carpoolers.

Commuter Study Report (Updated November 2020 with regional park-and-ride location recommendations)

Presentations to the MPO Boards by Metro Analytics consultants:

Presentation 4: Post-COVID Travel Data and External Trip Analysis, September 2021

Presentation 3: Conclusions, COVID-19 Travel Impacts and Initial Park-and-Ride list, August 2020

Presentation 2: Data Analysis, June 2020

Presentation 1: Project Overview and Initial Data Findings, January 2020

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