Activities to develop the Alabama 2040 Statewide Transportation Plan (SWTP) have been steadily progressing over the past several months. The consultant team recently finished Interim Report #2, which provides a macro-level look at statewide transportation needs, planned projects, and funding estimates in ALDOT’s current work program.
This report, along with other interim materials, is available for download and review on the ALDOT SWTP web page. Scroll down to the section titled “Information and Deliverables” to access both interim reports currently available.
Or directly access Interim Report #2 here.
For more information, see the SWTP PowerPoint presentation here.
Prior to finalizing the SWTP, further public comments will be accepted about the status of Alabama’s multi-modal transportation network and to input into the priorities and direction for the next 20 years.
ALDOT hopes you will take a few moments to review Interim Report #2. As always, any comments or questions can be sent to the study team at: